martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018
Comment 3
I have had a mobile phone since I was 11 years old, my parents gave it to me for Christmas,
the first mobile that I bought was an expensive mobile, that mobile only I had one year because it broke. The mobile I use for many things like talking with friends, talking with my relatives and looking at social networks. I almost always use it for an hour looking at things, but when I have an exam I do not to usually take much to not lose much time with it and be able to study more.
I think the mobile is a very useful tool. There are people who work with their mobile phones.
-Hi Louis
-Hi Loren
-What can we do?
-How about seeing a film at home?
-Great!Do you like science fiction films?
-Wow!They're my favourite
-What about eating some pizzas?
-Ok!I'll take two ham and cheese pizzas
-No!Let's buy them at the supermarket,I've found 5$ on the street
-Shall we make them?They will be delicious!
-Perfect.Let's go to the kitchen

WR 3
-Where do you live Tom?
-I live in a small village in the south of Spain. It's called Molvízar
-Do you know it?
-Yes,I live there too.It's a fantastic place near the sea and it's calm
-Yes, that's true!But it's too relaxing for me. I think it's boring
-Well,I don't agree because you can do many things in the nature as,walking,riding a bike...
-Maybe but I would like to go to the cinema,to the shopping centre...
-Ahh,Ok.But you can go by bus to Motril and then you turn to Molvízar and there is less pollution and you aren't stressed
-Perhaps you're right.We are healthy in our village
lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018
Comment 1
In Spain, young people start drinking from a very early age because they believe that if their friends drink, they should also drink, for fear of being separated from the group. And what they do not know is that drinking alcohol is bad for their health. We should not drink alcohol until we are 18 years old. Because if you start drinking very young it will be bad for you when you are older. Drinking alcohol a lot of is bad because when you have drunk a lot you are not aware of what you are doing and something bad can happen to you. When we go to drink in the street with our friends, we should try not to disturb the people who are sleeping and not leave everything full of bottles.
sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018
Writing 4
Thanks for your email.I'm very happy because I know things about you.
I live in a village in the south of Spain,called Molvízar.It's a fantastic place because the weather is wonderful!It's hot and sunny.We have many tropical fruits.People usually go out because it isn't cold.We do outdoor activities as,walking,bike riding,running...
In summer,tourists come here and they taste our meals and go to the mountains.
They visit our museum."The Company",the church...In winter the weather it isn't too cold and people do the some activities,but they sometimes go to the cinema.Where do you live?What do you do there?
Best wishes,
Writing 2
My Hometown
I live in a village in the south of Spain.Its name is Molvízar.There are 3500 inhabitants.It's a place in the mountain but it's near the sea.We have a Mediterranean climate.
It isn't could in winter but in summer the temperatures are over 30 degrees.There are heat waves and storms.It's dangerous because there are heavy rains and high winds in spring and autumn.Our weather is very good for a plants as avocado,mango...I live on the Tropical Coast but the weather is changing because when it's raining,it rains a lot,the hot really comes in August,and the temperatures are sometimes extreme

Writing 1
Comparing 2ºESO with 3ºESO
I think 3ºESO is more difficult than 2ºESO because we have to learn more difficult things.But I think that it all depends on the teachers.
This year I'm the best at Maths ,it's the easiest for me.At Chemistsy,I'm worse than David,but I study every day.
At French last year was worse than this year because I'm at the Language School,Geography is the most boring subject for me in 3ºESO,but last year was Chemistry.
The best subject for me is P.E because it is the most exciting and we can talk.On the other hand I have to say that the teachers are better this year.I'm happier in 3ºESO.
sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018
If you chew gum sometimes nothing happens but if you chew gum it is often bad for your teeth and for your health, if you chew for a long time, your jaw hurts. If you eat gum, do not throw it on the floor. I sometimes eat gum When I study because I get sleepy and when I'm chewing my gum I do not fall asleep or sometimes when people forget brushing their teeth they eat a mint gum so their breath doesn't smell the breath.
Changing the subject, you can cross the channel in English in different transports. In the channel there is a tunnel that crosses under the sea, you can cross it by car or train, you can also cross it by ferry or also by plane. However, if you are cross it by car or by train,it will be surprising to travel under the sea in a train or car.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018
Earth Day
Every time we are destroying the Earth with pollution ... if we want the Earth to be clean and not to destroy it, we can do many things to avoid polluting, for example:
-Do not throw garbage on the ground or the sea because when we throw garbage into the sea the fish confuse it with food and eat it and die
- If we use electronic cars, we will not to pollute and if we use automobiles that use gas we will pollute the Earth.
-If we use fewer industries and aerosols, we will also pollute less.
In defense, we must use more renewable energy.
-We must avoid consuming tobacco
-If there are many fires the areas where there is life can die like the plants, the animals would have to go.
-Do not throw garbage on the ground or the sea because when we throw garbage into the sea the fish confuse it with food and eat it and die
- If we use electronic cars, we will not to pollute and if we use automobiles that use gas we will pollute the Earth.
-If we use fewer industries and aerosols, we will also pollute less.
In defense, we must use more renewable energy.
-We must avoid consuming tobacco
-If there are many fires the areas where there is life can die like the plants, the animals would have to go.
I'm Taurus because I was born on 2nd May I do not believe that the day we were born determines our personality, character ...
I have seen the characteristics of Taurus on the Internet and most agree, but there will be people who believe in the signs of the zodiac, especially in the people of India because they have a religion different from ours. There are people who think that the zodiac sign is so important that when they know someone they ask him to tell him what the zodiac sign is because they say that some signs are incompatible. I think that is nonsense because having a partner has nothing to do with the sign he is .
I have seen the characteristics of Taurus on the Internet and most agree, but there will be people who believe in the signs of the zodiac, especially in the people of India because they have a religion different from ours. There are people who think that the zodiac sign is so important that when they know someone they ask him to tell him what the zodiac sign is because they say that some signs are incompatible. I think that is nonsense because having a partner has nothing to do with the sign he is .
sábado, 28 de abril de 2018
Class Rules
Class Rules
1º Don't talk when the teacher is explaining
2ºRaise your hand to speak
3ºDon´t use your mobile phone in class
4ºDon't eat chewing gum
5ºDon't run in class
6ºTalk with respect
7ºRespect class materials
8ºWhen the teacher enters,everyone is sitting
viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018
The Ebola virus is one of the five deadliest viruses. Ebola causes a severe and often deadly hemorrhagic fever in humans and other animals. The Ebola virus has caused the most human deaths and is the cause of the 2013-2015 Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa
Transmission of Ebola through direct contact with: Blood, Vomiting, Saliva or other fluids.Many people died as a result of Ebola in Africa, but nobody has bothered to create a vaccine against Ebola, until that virus arrives in Spain.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is a series of fantastic novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling, one of the most important sagas in history. Actually it is the most read sagas, according to the Guinness Book of Records. It describes the adventures of the young apprentice of magic and sorcery Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, during the years they spend in the Hogwarts School of Magic and Sorcery. The plot centers on the fight between Harry Potter and the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who murdered Harry's parents in an attempt to kill Harry, so he does not end the prophecy that cited his own death.Voldemort cannot ende the life of Harry Potter, because the latter, being protected by the love of his mother, manages to protect himself, and, at the same time, acquires a mental relationship with Voldemort. That's where his lightning-shaped scar comes from (JK Rowling explained that the shape of this scar was only because of its taste in lightning, it had nothing hidden behind it).
Symptoms of a food allergy
Symptoms of a food allergy include:
- Itching and swelling of the mouth
-Vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal cramps and pain
-Sunpull or eczema
Feel tight throat and difficulty
-Decrease in blood pressure.
There is no effective way to prevent a food allergy; The main recommendation to avoid symptoms is to avoid consuming the food.
At present there are many types of food allergies. The most frequent are five:
-Fish and seafood
-Fruit and fruits
- Dried fruits, legumes and cereals
lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018
On August 24th, there was an earthquake in Italy that killed 159 people and injured 368 people. The earthquake affected several villages, all the buildings were destroyed by the earthquake.
The first reports indicate serious damage in the city of Amatrice, near the epicenter and in Accumoli and Pescara del Tronto. Sergio Pirozzi, the mayor of Amatrice, declared that "Amatrice is no longer here, half of the city is destroyed." The photos of the destruction have represented a huge pile of rubble in the center of the city with only a few structures still standing in the outskirts.
A tsunami or tsunami is a complex event that involves a group of waves of high energy and variable size that can produce an extraordinary phenomenon vertically displace a large body of water. In 2011, there was a tsunami and a seismic in Japan, it was found off the coast of Hanshu, it lasted six minutes and caused much damage.
The Japanese State Police Agency confirmed 15,845 deaths, 3,380 missing persons, and 5,893 injured.

martes, 6 de marzo de 2018
-What's your name?
-My name is Mary
-Oh,me too.Go is mine
-Where do you live?
-I live in Molvizar,and you?
-I don't,I live in Glasgow.
- What's the weather like where you live?
-It's cloudy and It's raining.
-In Molvizar it's hot and sunny.Have you got any brothers or sisters?
-Yes,I have.I have got two sisters
-Have you?
-So,have I
-Where do your parents work?
-My father is a doctor and he worksin a hopital and my mother is a famous tennis player.
-So am I.How often do you play tennis?
-I play tennis from Monday to Thursday at 16:00
-Nice to meet you!
sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018
My Life
My name is María.I'm 13 year old and I live in Molvízar. Granda .I've got one brother and one sister.We live with my parents in a big flat.
In the summer,it's hot and sunny,the perfect weather for going to the beach.We ususally go in the afternoon every day with my aunt,my grandmother and my cousins.We swim and play in the water.We go fishing.
In the winter we sometimes walk in the mountains.We usually go at the weekend.When it's a god day,we ride a bike and we go to our gottage.My brother rides better than me,but I swim faster than him.
I do sport outdoors because it's healthy but I prefer staying at home.
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018
Paris is a famous tourist city in the north on France.It's easy to get there by train on by plane.The weather it's usually cloudy and sometimes it sometime rains.It's wonderful because it's the city of love and it's the most romantic city in the world.
There are important buildings,for example :
The Louvre museum.The red mill,Notre Dame...
For me the best places in Paris were "The Eiffel Tower".There are many restaurants and shops,but I think French food is less delicious than Spanish food.
Their croissants and cheese are as tasty as our ham and fish.In Paris everything is more expensive than in Spain.
You can navegate by boat on the Seine river and you can walk through the Elysian fields (at Christmas it is exciting)
A holiday in Paris can be interesting and lovely if you go to visit the town with your boyfriend, and it can be tiring if you want to see everything in a few days.It's the perfect destination for couples.

-Can you help me,please?
-Yes pf course.What do you need?
-I am at the Brixton Hospital's parking and I want to go to Edington but I must get some petrol.Which way should I go?
-Turn right and go as far as the traffic lights.Turn left at the traffic lights and go straight on. Petrol station is on the right.Then turn left and go to the traffic lights.Take the first on the left.Go straight on the A63 and finally take the first on the left
-Is this the fastest way?
-Yes,it is
-Should I turn right when am I at the petrol station?
-No,you shouldn't.Turn left
-Ok,Thank you very much.

domingo, 21 de enero de 2018
Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada is the best place for my holidays because.It's relaxing,I hate beaches in summer because there are too many people and you can't swim quietly so Sierra Nevada is more peaceful than the coast.
The weather is colder in Sierra Nevada but I like this because I love being in frot of a fireplace.The mountain gives us different ways to enjoy as walking,skiin,ice skating ,snowboarding...
On the other hand,when you are in Sierra Nevada you an see a wonderful landscape and there aren't many buldings.So you can smell clean air and this is fantastic for our health.
In conclusion Sierra Nevada is healthy and calm and the coast has got many buldings,people,noise...
I think a holiday in the beach is worse.
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