When I was little,I always wanted Christmas to come because at Christmas I could see my family because my family is very big,I could travel to a lot of places,I could go shopping with my family my favourite day is January 5th because on this day the Three Wise Men come and bring.
many presents for me an d for my brother and sister.This year the three king brought many presents for me,they have brought clothes,a mobile phone and some money.This year has been the best for me.
2018 has already finished,and it has been better than I expected. In this 2018 I have had many good moments like when I was travelling, when I was with my friends / family and also some bad ones, but mostly good ones. In this 2018 I approved the course I was in I passed the school year I was in with very good grades. I hope 2019 will be much better than 2018, I would like to travel more,I will try to get better marks this year than the past one and to be many more moments with my family.
The Chernobyl accident was a previous nuclear accident at the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin nuclear power plant on Saturday, April 26, 1986. Considered, together with the Fukushima I nuclear accident in Japan in 2011, as the tomb more on the International Nuclear Accident Scale , one of the greatest environmental disasters in history.There are still places of Chernobil with a lot of radiation.You can visit Chernobyl but you have to take some precautions as radiation be bad for our body. I have seen videos about Chernobyl and still in the caretakers of the children there are still dolls, clothes ... and in the hospital of Chernobyl they still remain medically, reports ... When I finish my studies I would like to visit Chernobyl because it seems an interesting place.
We are in a society in which women have the same rights as men because we are all equal but there are still those who do not see that men have the same rights as men. and taking care of the children, but things have changed. Worst of all, there are still parents who educate their children
with that mentality, that is to say, that women should always stay at home
There is less and less abuse towards women, but there are still women who are beaten by men because they believe they are superior to them and they think women must do everything they say.The mistreatment of women is almost always due to jealousy.
spend a lot of time looking at a screen like the computer, the mobile phone ... and that's bad for their eyes because when we look at a screen we blink very little and that can be bad for them. Some people have had to wear glasses because they are looking at a screen all day until there are people who have lost their sight.
I used to go to the doctor when I was little before going to sleep because I was a sleepwalker and the doctor told me it was because I used my cell phone before going to sleep and I cannot spend many hours in front of a screen.
Reading is good because you learn new things about places, monuments ... Since we were little we have always been told that we should read, that it is good. There are people who like reading and buying many books and other people who do not like to reading at all. I do not really like reading but sometimes I read books. Before there were only books but a few years ago other ways to read books appeared and you don't have to buy the book download it from Internet . When I read I prefer a tablet because it is more comfortable. You can download all the books you want.
Students' lives are not as easy as some people believe, because some people say that students are very lucky, because they have a lot of free time. When you start high school in 1st and 2nd grades, they are easy and you have more free time. not very difficult, although you also have to study and make a little effort, but when you get to 3º things get complicated because there is more work, the subjects are more difficult, there are more complicated subjects,but the worst year is 2nd of Bachillerato because there are many subjects and there is very little time. Most students do not want to get to Bach 2nd because they have a hard time. The best thing to do is not to stop working/studying during the summer time.
We should not eat a lot of food like meat, fish ... because they can be unhealthy for our body, we should take food in small quantities and eat lots of fruit, exercise a lot and drink a lot of water. But if we eat a lot of meat, fish . We can be affected by cancer if we eat a lot of bad food. Some food can be harmful for our body.
In my house we rarely eat meat. We eat mostly vegetables, fruit, fish and drink lots of liquids, especially water.
My parents like to exercise a lot in their free time and my brothers and I also like to exercise when we can.
For what I want to be when I grow up I need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and exercise. And also to be able to have a healthy life.
Vincent Van Gogh was a painter who was born on 30th March , 1853. This painter did many works, but his works were not known until he died.Vicent Van Gogh died of a gunshot wound, do not know if it was suicide or an involuntary manslaughter.
I do not like art very much because I'm not good at it but there are some paintings by some painters that have attracted my attention, many works that I like are by Van Gogh, because they seem very original and very different from the ones painted by other painters.
Basketball for me is a sport that when I was in my primary school did not attract much attention,but when I started to like high school mostly because in gymnastics we played a lot of basketball, before I did not usually watch basketball games but now sometimes I usually watch the game. My favorite player was Michel Jordan but he does not play basketball any more, but now he is the owner of the NBA team the Charlotte Hornets. Michael Jordan has been very famous for his way of playing, and to become so famous.He had to train a lot and sleep very well because if he did not train a week he would not have become the best. Michael Jordan for me has been and will be the best basketball player.
Nowadays, almost all children over 11 years of age have mobile phones until there are children who are smaller.
When parents have children and they are crying, the first thing they do is letting their children use their mobile phones so that they stop crying .
Buying a mobile phone for a very young child from small is bad because children get used to interact with mobile and when they do not have mobile do not know how to relate. On the one hand,it is good because they can talk to their families, you can ask your homework ... But also It can be bad because you could see things that are not appropriate or you may be bullied through Internet .
I think that you shouldn't buy a mobile for children that are so young.